Sori lama enggak update blog ini. Biasa, sibuk. Tau sendiri, kan, gimana repotnya jadi anak SMP. Kurikulum 2013 lagi. Dah. Tamatlah.
Sebenernya itu bukan masalah utama, sih. Kendala utama aku enggak apdet blog ya gara-gara pas Sabtu-Minggu kerjaanku main FB sama twitter doang. Sampe-sampe lupa buat ngurusin blog ini. Jadi ya, gitu deh.
Oh iya. Good news. Ashilla Resto, alhamdulillah, udah cetakan ketiga.
Ya, sepertinya aku terlalu over excited. Enggak tau kenapa, tapi pas buku cetak ulang rasanya … i’m proud of myself. Ninda, finally you can show to the world if you can! Eits, tapi aku belum puas sampai sini. Pokoknya aku pengen buku itu terus-menerus cetak ulang dalam tempo singkat, amin ^^
Hari-hariku di sekolah? Wow. Awesome. Aku ngerasa bahagia banget di kelas. I feel I and my classmates are family and I feel like I’m never alone. Seru-seruan kok. Di rumah? Asik juga, but I often spend my spare time with sleep.
Aku yang terlalu capek atau memang hobi molor, entahlah. Yang jelas tidur itu enak banget (bagiku). I can forget all of my problems for a while in my unknown dreams. You have too many problems? Just sleep, and you will feel better when you wake up. Trust me, it works. *kok ngiklan*
How about my novels? Keep calm, I’m still writing and I will always write, because writing is part of my life. Bukuku yang coming soon, alhamdulillah, ada. Seri KKPK JuiceMe :D
Hey, would you tell me about your deepest secret?
Ummm, I feel I don’t have deepest secret. Aku terlalu terbuka. And everyone who closes to me knows that. You can ask my friends about me and they will say, “Ninda? HAHAHA dia itu udah rada-rada, pemales, nyebelin, tapi baik sih.”
Sori jadi muter-muter gini. Gue aja bingung sendiri hoho -_____-
Okay I don’t know
What's the meaning of 'random'? Okay, I'll be wait your soon write. And I feel you're the best sibling of your younger siblings, and you will be became pride of them and your parents, inshAllah. May Allah forgive your sins, accepting you in His highest jannah, and may Allah protect you and your family inshAllah. I leave my comment on Friday at afternoon, so I wanna say "Have a nice holiday to you."
BalasHapusFill your weekend as well as possible.
It's time to forget all of your lessons and studies.
Holiday times, you will be fill it with which happy.
Doing it happily.
And I'm waiting your answer about my comment. Please judge my English, may it's not bad.
Have a nice weekend!
random itu maksudnya ngacakan, habisnya isinya campur-campur hehe :D
Hapusoke, wait for my next books yaaa! udah beli KKPK Ashilla Resto belom? hoho XD <---promosi
amin, makasih ya. kamu juga yaaa, have a nice holiday! ^^
your english? bagus kok! sori jawabnya pake bahasa indo, gatau kenapa males ngetik pake bahasa asing *eh
makasih ya komennya! ^_^
Okay sis, thanks and jazakillah Khaira for your explanation. I'm not going to buy your book, sorry because I have a reason but I cannot to say to you. You're welcome sis. Do not stay long for your soon write. Enjoy!